Pool Trowel vs Finishing Trowel: Which to Choose?

A trowel is a hand tool that is commonly used in construction and masonry work. It consists of a flat, rectangular blade attached to a handle. Trowels are used for various purposes, such as spreading and smoothing mortar or concrete, applying plaster or stucco, and finishing surfaces.

Two types of trowels that are often confused with each other are the pool trowel and the finishing trowel. While they may look similar at first glance, there are distinct differences between the two that make them suitable for different tasks.

The confusion between pool trowel and finishing trowel arises because they are both used for finishing surfaces. However, their design, size, materials, and purpose differ significantly. Understanding these differences is crucial in order to choose the right trowel for your specific project.

Key Takeaways

  • Pool trowels are used for applying and smoothing concrete in tight spaces, while finishing trowels are used for creating a smooth surface on larger areas.
  • Pool trowels are typically made of stainless steel or carbon steel, while finishing trowels can be made of a variety of materials including stainless steel, carbon steel, and plastic.
  • Pool trowels have a curved blade and a pointed tip, while finishing trowels have a flat blade and a rounded tip.
  • Pool trowels are typically smaller than finishing trowels, with blade sizes ranging from 4 to 7 inches, while finishing trowels can range from 8 to 16 inches.
  • Pool trowels are generally less expensive than finishing trowels, with prices ranging from to , while finishing trowels can range from to 0 or more.

The Purpose of a Pool Trowel and a Finishing Trowel

The purpose of a pool trowel is to finish concrete surfaces, particularly those found in swimming pools. It is specifically designed to work with wet concrete and create a smooth, even finish. Pool trowels have a curved blade that allows for better control and maneuverability when working on curved surfaces.

On the other hand, a finishing trowel is used for general surface finishing tasks, such as smoothing out plaster or stucco on walls or ceilings. It is also commonly used for finishing concrete slabs or floors. Finishing trowels have a flat blade that allows for larger surface coverage and a smoother finish.

The way these two trowels are used also differs. When using a pool trowel, it is important to keep the blade flat against the surface and use sweeping motions to spread and smooth the wet concrete. A finishing trowel, on the other hand, is typically used in a back-and-forth motion to achieve a smooth and even finish.

Using the right trowel for the job is crucial in order to achieve the desired results. Using a pool trowel for general surface finishing tasks may result in an uneven finish, while using a finishing trowel for pool surfaces may make it difficult to achieve the desired smoothness.

The Materials Used in Making Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

The materials used in making pool trowels and finishing trowels also differ. Pool trowels are typically made from stainless steel or carbon steel. Stainless steel is preferred for its resistance to rust and corrosion, making it ideal for use with wet concrete. Carbon steel, on the other hand, is more affordable but requires regular maintenance to prevent rusting.

Finishing trowels are commonly made from either carbon steel or high-quality tempered steel. Carbon steel is more affordable but may require more frequent maintenance to prevent rusting. High-quality tempered steel is more durable and resistant to rust, making it a popular choice for professional masons.

The choice of material in the construction of these trowels is important as it affects their performance and longevity. Stainless steel and high-quality tempered steel are preferred for their durability and resistance to rust, ensuring that the trowel will last longer and perform better.

The Design of Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

Design Metrics Pool Trowel Finishing Trowel
Blade Material Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
Blade Length 16 inches 14 inches
Blade Width 4 inches 4 inches
Handle Material Wood or Plastic Wood or Plastic
Handle Length 5 inches 5 inches
Weight 1.5 pounds 1.2 pounds
Intended Use For spreading and smoothing concrete in small areas For finishing and smoothing concrete surfaces

The design of pool trowels and finishing trowels also differs significantly. Pool trowels have a curved blade that allows for better control and maneuverability when working on curved surfaces, such as those found in swimming pools. The curve of the blade helps to create a smooth finish without leaving any marks or lines.

Finishing trowels, on the other hand, have a flat blade that allows for larger surface coverage and a smoother finish. The flat design of the blade helps to achieve an even and consistent finish without any lines or marks.

The design of these trowels is important as it affects their performance and the quality of the finish. Using a pool trowel for general surface finishing tasks may result in an uneven finish, while using a finishing trowel for pool surfaces may make it difficult to achieve the desired smoothness.

The Size of Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

The size of pool trowels and finishing trowels also differs. Pool trowels are typically smaller in size, with blade widths ranging from 4 to 6 inches. This smaller size allows for better control and maneuverability when working on curved surfaces.

Finishing trowels, on the other hand, are larger in size, with blade widths ranging from 10 to 14 inches. This larger size allows for larger surface coverage and a smoother finish.

The size of these trowels is important as it affects their performance and the efficiency of the work. Using a pool trowel for larger surface areas may result in slower progress and may not achieve the desired smoothness. Using a finishing trowel for smaller, curved surfaces may make it difficult to achieve the desired control and maneuverability.

The Cost of Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

The cost of pool trowels and finishing trowels can vary depending on factors such as the material used, the brand, and the quality. Generally, pool trowels tend to be more expensive than finishing trowels due to their specialized design and materials.

Pool trowels made from stainless steel or high-quality tempered steel are typically more expensive than those made from carbon steel. Similarly, finishing trowels made from high-quality tempered steel are usually more expensive than those made from carbon steel.

When considering the cost of these trowels, it is important to weigh the benefits of higher-quality materials and design against the budget. Investing in a higher-quality trowel may result in better performance and longevity, ultimately saving money in the long run.

The Pros and Cons of Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

Both pool trowels and finishing trowels have their own advantages and disadvantages. Pool trowels are specifically designed for working with wet concrete and creating a smooth, even finish on curved surfaces. They offer better control and maneuverability, resulting in a more precise finish. However, they are more expensive and may not be suitable for general surface finishing tasks.

Finishing trowels, on the other hand, are versatile and can be used for a wide range of surface finishing tasks. They offer larger surface coverage and a smoother finish. However, they may not provide the same level of control and maneuverability as pool trowels when working on curved surfaces.

When deciding between pool trowel and finishing trowel, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the project and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Choosing the right trowel for the job will ensure that the desired results are achieved.

When to Use Pool Trowel and When to Use Finishing Trowel

Knowing when to use a pool trowel and when to use a finishing trowel is crucial in order to achieve the desired results. Pool trowels are specifically designed for finishing concrete surfaces in swimming pools or other curved surfaces. They should be used when working with wet concrete and when a smooth, even finish is desired on curved surfaces.

Finishing trowels, on the other hand, can be used for a wide range of surface finishing tasks. They are suitable for smoothing out plaster or stucco on walls or ceilings, as well as finishing concrete slabs or floors. They should be used when a smooth and even finish is desired on flat or larger surfaces.

Using the right trowel for the job will ensure that the desired results are achieved efficiently and effectively.

Maintenance of Pool Trowel and Finishing Trowel

Proper maintenance is important for the longevity and performance of both pool trowels and finishing trowels. After each use, it is recommended to clean the trowel thoroughly to remove any residue or debris. This can be done by rinsing the trowel with water and using a brush to remove any stubborn dirt.

For pool trowels made from stainless steel, it is important to dry them thoroughly after cleaning to prevent rusting. Applying a thin coat of oil or lubricant can also help to protect the blade from moisture and rust.

For trowels made from carbon steel, it is important to dry them thoroughly after cleaning and apply a thin coat of oil or lubricant to prevent rusting. Regular maintenance, such as sharpening the blade and removing any rust, may also be required.

Proper maintenance will ensure that the trowel remains in good condition and performs optimally for a longer period of time.

Which Trowel to Choose for Your Project?

In conclusion, understanding the difference between pool trowel and finishing trowel is crucial in order to choose the right tool for your specific project. While they may look similar, they have distinct differences in terms of purpose, materials, design, size, cost, and maintenance.

Pool trowels are specifically designed for finishing concrete surfaces in swimming pools or other curved surfaces. They offer better control and maneuverability when working on curved surfaces but may not be suitable for general surface finishing tasks.

Finishing trowels, on the other hand, are versatile and can be used for a wide range of surface finishing tasks. They offer larger surface coverage and a smoother finish but may not provide the same level of control and maneuverability as pool trowels when working on curved surfaces.

When choosing between pool trowel and finishing trowel, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the project and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Choosing the right trowel for the job will ensure that the desired results are achieved efficiently and effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more about the differences between a pool trowel and a finishing trowel, you should definitely check out this informative article on TrowelTrowel.com. In their article titled “Pool Trowel vs Finishing Trowel: Which One Should You Choose?”, they provide a comprehensive comparison of these two essential tools used in the construction industry. From the materials they are made of to their specific uses and techniques, this article covers it all. To delve even deeper into the world of trowels, you might also want to explore their other fascinating piece titled “Unearthing the Secrets of the Trowel: A Brief History and Guide to This Essential Tool”. Happy reading!


What is a pool trowel?

A pool trowel is a type of trowel used for finishing concrete surfaces in swimming pools. It has a curved blade that is designed to fit the contours of the pool surface.

What is a finishing trowel?

A finishing trowel is a type of trowel used for smoothing and leveling concrete surfaces. It has a flat blade that is used to create a smooth finish on the surface.

What is the difference between a pool trowel and a finishing trowel?

The main difference between a pool trowel and a finishing trowel is the shape of the blade. A pool trowel has a curved blade that is designed to fit the contours of a pool surface, while a finishing trowel has a flat blade that is used for smoothing and leveling concrete surfaces.

Can a pool trowel be used for finishing concrete surfaces?

While a pool trowel is specifically designed for use on swimming pool surfaces, it can also be used for finishing other concrete surfaces. However, a finishing trowel may be more effective for achieving a smooth finish on non-pool surfaces.

Can a finishing trowel be used for pool surfaces?

A finishing trowel can be used for pool surfaces, but it may not be as effective as a pool trowel. The curved blade of a pool trowel is designed to fit the contours of a pool surface, which can make it easier to achieve a smooth finish.

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